Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June: Departure Imminent

So, it's been a while, but there hasn't been much going on... No, that's not true. It's just been the old routine, and saying goodbye to the old routine, and creating new temporary routines... My friend Keith came to visit for a few days last week. I could say a lot about that, but I'll just say this: we may be in a Nickleback video. I'll keep you posted, or if someone sees it before me (which is highly likely, as it's supposedly coming out some time in July, when I will surely still be on the road) just, you know, let me know. And for the record, I'm so not a Nickleback fan.
Tomorrow I'm going back to Milwaukee one more time before departure, to attend my brother's high school graduation--Congratulations, Michael! I'll be returning to Chicago on Thursday, and leaving for the Northern Tier route on Friday. Well, that's the plan, but in order for that to become a reality, I need to finish setting my bike up, and figuring out exactly how I'm going to get to where I can pick up the route. Yesterday, my friend Neuner loaned me his panniers (yeah, the trailer idea... not so much working)... but now I need to figure out how to attach a front rack to my bike, which may (probably will) involve replacing the fork. So, as soon as I leave this coffeeshop, I need to go visit bike shops, and get opinions and pricing and options. Options, options, options.
Does anyone in Chicago want to give me an MP3 player? A digital camera? I have a stereo; we could trade.


rockandrollcannibal said...

I'm pretty sure there are front racks that attach to suspension forks. Did you have any luck with that today? My headlight totally went kabooom today. I rode over a train track, ba-thump ba-thump, and it popped off the mount (it wasn't actually the right mount for that light so it was sort of just jammed on there in the first place) and it fell apart into all its constituent pieces, one or two of which went crackle under the wheels of a car crossing behind me.

ZXC said...

Well... such racks do exist, but they are damn expensive, and additionally, it was pointed out to me that with suspension, I'm losing a lot of my momentum. But! I was referred to the bike whisperer of Chicago, who is helping me out. More on that later. Sorry to hear about your headlight. I took of my generator to make room for the rear panniers, which is just as well, because the front light didn't work consistently, and I'd rather have blinky lights in front and back.

rockandrollcannibal said...

That is true. With all my druthers present I'd not have front suspenders ... suspension... Seat post is okay though - but they can be set to varying squishy levels to minimize momentus interference... I don't know pricewise the balance of new fork vs. rack to fit the one you have though you can probably trade in the fork - though apparently you can't trade in handlebars - not even the moustaches - some kinda liability issue?

Well, the light only cost me a buck, so I'm not out much there, and I found another light in the garage, so I snagged that and am all lit up again... I think I need new batteries though. There's always something. Actually there's always about a dozen things, and that's such a low number just because I don't know all of them yet.

russen said...

I've got a 512MB iPod shuffle that i'm not using anymore?