Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Companion found?

So, probably nothing will come of this, but you never know...
Today, I went to Beans & Bagels in search of the Bike Whisperer, to mention my thoughts on what I want to do to my bike, and get his opinion. And, you know, drink coffee. While sitting and drinking said coffee and reading (The Complete Idiot's guide to bike maintenance and repair), in walked Anne. I had seen her around at my last job, because she worked on Punk Planet magazine, which was located in the same building, but didn't actually know her, beyond the occasional 'hello' in the hallway. Anyhow, I said hello, and asked her how it was going, and mentioned that I was going on this x-country bike trip. She asked if I was going solo, and I said, in a sort of off-hand way, "Yeah, unless you want to join me."
"Well, actually..."
It turns out that Punk Planet is in the process of shutting down, so she does indeed have some free time, or will, soon, and appears to be seriously considering my offer. So, I may have found a companion for at least part of the ride. I'm not getting my hopes up, and plan to continue to make ready for a departure date of ASAP, but it would definitely be nice to have companionship, especially if said companion is as awesome as she seems (I've been checking out her website). I'll keep you posted.


rockandrollcannibal said...

I had this great idea for one of the "Complete Idiot's" guides, and then I go and find out it's actually been done, which is crazy because what I liked about it is that it's actually a terrible idea. "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Enhancing Self-Esteem" Now, who would think that such a thing exists outside of my deranged imaginings?

Karli Cerankowski said...

i really hope it works out that you get to ride a while with anne. chances are, you'll meet some people out there too. i've met sooo many people on the trail so far. the group i'm traveling with is ever changing.
i haven't been able to ask any other opinions on the shifting, but i have index shifting and the two guys i'm with now have index shifting. i think only two of the guys i rode with for a while had grip shifts. if you have dropped bars, i say stick with the index shifters. it's an easier position and you look more hardcore. in any case, dropped bars also give you at least four different hand positions to mix it up for comfort. you could probably get creative and find more than four positions :o)
in short (well, sort of long, maybe medium), my vote is for index shifting: it's smooth, easy to run, and if you wear half finger gloves you can rock some awesome tan lines on your trigger fingers! yeah!
may the wind be at your back as well. pedal hard! (or at a nice casual pace as you prefer)

rockandrollcannibal said...

Anne wrote a book! I read a review in Mother Jones... assuming it's the same Anne who used to work on Punk Planet... fairly likely I think.