Sunday, May 13, 2007

Home for Mother's Day

It's yet to fully set in that I don't have to go back to work. Tomorrow, with the help of my dad, who has been awesome in getting me a tent, mattress pad, sleeping bag, and trailer, I'll hopefully add a bike to my equipment, and after some test riding about in this area, be ready to head north to Manitowoc and Appleton, and maybe on to Madison...
For those of you who don't know, my parents have a lot of stuff. It's fairly likely that I'll find a bike in their garage that would be suitable. If not, we'll figure something else out. They have a beautiful old Raleigh touring bike that would be perfect if the frame were just a wee bit smaller...
I'm also waiting for some biking clothing/gloves that I bought off ebay to arrive, so hopefully, they will before I'm ready to head out.
It's only 9pm, but I'm feeling awfully tired, so I think I'll go to bed soon.

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